July 31, 2016No Comments

Competitive yoga – #StretchSundays


This is one I struggle with a lot - trying not to compare to other people practicing yoga and trying not to be competitive and pushing myself to match what other people do.

I have to constantly go against my own grain with this one. The reason I like going to classes is because I’m aware of what others do around me and I push myself to learn more, I challenge myself to be as good or better than those around me. It does mean I progress my yoga, and everything, quite quickly as it means I try and do better than those around me.

What it does mean is it takes a toll on my body faster than expected and sometimes I can compromise my posture or alignment so I can go as low or as high or as deep a stretch as those around me.

Most recently I have used it to try and adapt my practice to match those around me with good posture or alignment. I use my competitive nature but instead of stretching deeper, reaching higher or folding more, I use it to adjust my back, get my legs straighter. Often that means I’m taking my legs closer or moving back a level so I’m at an easier level but working on perfecting my alignment. It’s a hard balance but it works quite nicely as I can still convince myself it’s competitive without pushing myself beyond my body’s limits.

Each of us has our limitations and our aspects that we’d like to work on. This is just one of mine that I deal with by adapting my existing issue into something that can be used productively and to better myself.

Remember, yoga is not meant to be about being competitive, it's about bettering yourself and focusing on your own practice in that moment.

Next time you're in a class, try and focus on yourself, look at how others are working their alignment, ask your teacher to adjust you into the right posture but try not to be the one pulling the deepest stretch or folding the most…unless you naturally are more flexible of course!

Ciao for now x

July 10, 2016No Comments

Lunge it – but keep it low! – #StretchSundays

Low lunge

Low lunge - Anjaneyasana

Another stretch in the category of a hip opener. When you first start there is a good chance you will be pretty high off the floor and feel like your legs will never stretch enough to get as low as you’d like, but bear with it, it does happen.

This is a great pose in itself and a balance can be added to it to turn it into the High Lunge. Both poses are great for your hips again and just remember to try and keep this hips facing forward and not turning out to the side

Ciao for now x

July 5, 2016No Comments

Yoga is only for women – #TalkToMeTuesdays

Anyone who knows me knows I am particularly random. I like doing random activities and I like meeting and talking to random people. I don’t have a problem trying anything out, which is why some of my fitness passions come from activities traditionally linked to female activities, Zumba, Pilates and Yoga just to name a few.

It’s because of this attitude that I have got into yoga. It’s crazy how many times I ask men to come along with me to yoga and how many times they have excuses. Yoga isn’t for me is the most commonly used phrase, but I’ve also had lots of ‘yoga is for women’.

Now, it’s true that I like random things but yoga is not random. If you don’t really understand yoga and understand how good it can be for anyone, regardless of age, sex, conditions or a million other things then you really should educate yourself.

Rather than find yoga emasculating, I actually find yoga maculating. In order to perfect a yoga technique you have to have strength, balance, focus and determination. None of that is attributed to only one type of person. In order to hold a pose I need to focus on me. Yogi’s or just general yoga practitioner can be from every walk of life and the feeling I have after a good yoga session is euphoric at times.

I like all yoga, but I LOVE tough yoga. Tough yoga is yoga that makes me sweat (without the heat needing to be on!). It’s yoga that takes me much longer to hold a pose because I am trying to move my body into exactly the right pose while still being relaxed and still focusing on my breath. Tough yoga needs a strength, not just physically but mentally and that’s why I LOVE it.

So yea, I find it hard to have patience with men who say yoga is only for women. Maybe you should stop making excuses and get to a class? Let’s see if you can hack it 😛

Ciao for now x

July 3, 2016No Comments

Liiiiiiiiiizard – #StretchSundays

Lizard pose - Utthan Pristhasana

Lizard - knee down Lizard - knee raised

Another pose that I absolutely love. The feeling on your hips and inner thigh is just profoundly satisfying.

Be careful with posture here, a lot of people sacrifice proper alignment by trying to get their forearms down to the floor. I have been guilty of that myself and have had to teach myself about how not to be as competitive when it comes to my yoga. Focusing on you, your posture, your breathing and trying to look inwards while still keeping your eyes open is not something that comes naturally to a lot of us but that is one of the things to try and work towards when doing yoga.

Our eyes are sensory objects and we are used to taking in that information and assessing. If you can, practicing yoga with your eyes closed is an amazing experience but there’s no denying the benefits it can give you with your alignment and your practice.

The best way to start this pose is with both hands flat on the floor and both arms slightly inside your forward leg using your elbow to pop your knee out and get a bigger stretch on your hips. If you can you can then work forward to bending the arms slightly and once your flexibility gets better, actually working down to be positioned on your forearms with your gaze forward.

Then if you really want you can lift your back leg but only if your posture won't be compromised. I'm still working on mine but I love the feeling on my hips and thighs!

Ciao for now x

January 27, 2016No Comments

Day 27 – FIBRE!

Fibre is hugely important for so many reasons. It can help with digestive health, heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers!

Most people in the UK don't get enough fibre in their diet and as such a lot of people suffer from digestive problems and disorders. Eating fibre also helps to keep you full and helps to keep your digestive system healthy. But what type of fibre should you be eating and where do you find it?

Soluble Fibre
Soluble fibre can be digested by your body and can help to reduce cholesterol in your blood. For anyone suffering constipation, increasing the amount of soluble fibre in your diet can help you to soften your stool and make it easier to go the bathroom.

Where do you find soluble fibre?
- Fruits - like bananas and apples
- Oats, barley, rye
- root vegetables

Insoluble Fibre
Insoluble fibre can't be digested by your body and simply passes straight through, helping other foods move through your digestive system.

Where do you find insoluble fibre?
- wholemeal bread
- bran
- cereals
- nuts and seeds

So if you constantly have digestive issues or pains, maybe take a look at how much fibre you are eating and which type and try to balance it back out.

Ciao for now x

January 14, 2016No Comments

Day 14 – Yoga and kids

Anyone who knows me knows that I love jamming out to a song. I love to sing along and I love to dance and that's why I love my Zumba and Dance Fitness class that happen twice a week.

But, did you know that I also do yoga and I like to use it as time to gather my thoughts and to understand what's going on in my life and maybe see a new perspective on something that has been bothering me.

A lot of us understand the health benefits of yoga, but not a lot of people really consider it as something they should be introducing their child too. Yet starting yoga from a young age can help in so many ways. Today I want to show just a few of those and hopefully convince you why I believe so strongly in kids doing yoga:

  1. It improves your posture and flexibility. For children whose bodies are still developing and growing it makes sure that they grow in the right way, in the right postures and with internal strength that will do them wonders all through later life
  2. It can lower blood pressure, improve bone health, help with overall wellbeing and help get rid of impurities in the body.
  3. Teach you how to use breath to relax, focus and sleep better and we all know how much growing children need to sleep!
  4. Builds awareness. Awareness of your own body and of your surroundings. That can be very much estimated in adults and the power it can have on your wellbeing, the natural intuition of your body, where it is and what it is doing. Imagine the power it can have  on a child growing through adolescence, through growth spurts that leave them uncoordinated or struggling to feel comfortable in their body.
  5. Can be such a powerful tool in the fight against abuse, bullying and so many other scenarios where it is hard to work with a child. Being able to draw discussion, self reflection, focus, calming, breathing and strengthening in both body and mind can be an amazing feeling.

Those are just a handful. Listing all the benefits would take forever. My advice, if you have a child, get them signed up to a yoga class if you can. There are dozens of teachers like me that teach in schools, nurseries, we can set up private classes, birthday parties or a whole host of other venues.

If you're not sure where to start just drop me a line on here, give me a call on 07708 996 234. No question is too silly.


Ciao for now x

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