August 1, 20162 Comments

Box step – #MoveMondays

One of the easiest move to teach someone as you just need a bit of imagination to picture a box!

Where your feet start are the bottom two corners of the box and all you do is step each foot forwards to imagine the box on the floor.

This move can then be tailored so you can go lower, push your hips out further or use your arms to add in more of a full body workout.

The move is pretty straightforward so no instructions this time, just watch and copy!

Have fun and ciao for now x

July 11, 2016No Comments

Major Lazer – Karate Chop Squat – #MoveMonday

This move on it’s own combines a couple of simple moves that create a full body workout. Imagine a side on squat with strong karate chop arms. That’s the only real way to describe it.

This move works your arms by keeping them strong and your hands pointed to make a karate chop action. It also works your abs by using them to stabilise and move through the movement and takes just a little tensing of the ab muscles to keep your balance. Lastly it works out all of your upper legs and bum depending on how low you take the squat. If you have the capacity you can take the squat very low down but remember that no matter how low you go you have to keep to the beat so make sure you can get back up in time!

Watch the video and give this one a go

Ciao for now x

July 10, 2016No Comments

Lunge it – but keep it low! – #StretchSundays

Low lunge

Low lunge - Anjaneyasana

Another stretch in the category of a hip opener. When you first start there is a good chance you will be pretty high off the floor and feel like your legs will never stretch enough to get as low as you’d like, but bear with it, it does happen.

This is a great pose in itself and a balance can be added to it to turn it into the High Lunge. Both poses are great for your hips again and just remember to try and keep this hips facing forward and not turning out to the side

Ciao for now x

July 3, 2016No Comments

Liiiiiiiiiizard – #StretchSundays

Lizard pose - Utthan Pristhasana

Lizard - knee down Lizard - knee raised

Another pose that I absolutely love. The feeling on your hips and inner thigh is just profoundly satisfying.

Be careful with posture here, a lot of people sacrifice proper alignment by trying to get their forearms down to the floor. I have been guilty of that myself and have had to teach myself about how not to be as competitive when it comes to my yoga. Focusing on you, your posture, your breathing and trying to look inwards while still keeping your eyes open is not something that comes naturally to a lot of us but that is one of the things to try and work towards when doing yoga.

Our eyes are sensory objects and we are used to taking in that information and assessing. If you can, practicing yoga with your eyes closed is an amazing experience but there’s no denying the benefits it can give you with your alignment and your practice.

The best way to start this pose is with both hands flat on the floor and both arms slightly inside your forward leg using your elbow to pop your knee out and get a bigger stretch on your hips. If you can you can then work forward to bending the arms slightly and once your flexibility gets better, actually working down to be positioned on your forearms with your gaze forward.

Then if you really want you can lift your back leg but only if your posture won't be compromised. I'm still working on mine but I love the feeling on my hips and thighs!

Ciao for now x

January 18, 2016No Comments

Day 18 – Tick Tock Version 1

Today's blog post is another move that will be leading up to our final choreography. This is called the Tick Tock.

It works your abs because it forces you to pull them in and hold your back nice and strong and protected, it works your legs, both front and back depending on how low you go down into the move.

It also helps with balance by forcing most of the moves to be done on one leg and we also do this move pretty fast so make sure you practice lots in slow motion before the big choreography comes up soon.

Ciao for now

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