August 10, 2016No Comments

Punch the waves – #WetWednesdays


When you were a kid did you ever play fight with waves? I did, well I mean, I still do! haha when that wave comes in, ball your fist up and punch it with all your might.

It’s incredible the strength you use and how the resistance pushing back on your hand really works your arm. Try comparing it to the slice we did last week.

Go to the pool and try the too. What is harder? What is easier? Can you feel the resistance more in your arms when you punch it? Can you feel the difference and how hard it is?

There are a number of ways you can change your hand movement to get a higher or lower level of workout.

What about if you slice your hand to the side, how does that feel? Now try balling your fist. You have more of your hand exposed to the water now so you can really feel a big difference. Creating a smaller plane that’s exposed to the the water will make less impact and less resistance.

Playing with different hand movements is so much fun and makes me feel like a kid again. Hit the pool, have a play and enjoy yourself. Experiment, be a child and lose your inhibitions.

Ciao for now x

July 27, 2016No Comments

Slice that hand – #WetWednesdays

Have you ever tried aqua aerobics? If not? Why not? It’s actually great fun and there are very simple yet effective ways to make the workout harder or easier as the case may be.

One of the best ways to change up the exercise is to change your hands. No matter what your legs are doing try this simple switch up of your hand positions and movements and see what effect it has on your workout.

The easiest hand movement you can do is to slice the water. Position your hand into a flat knife like position and slice it through the water. Either fingers first and slicing forward or off to the side so your hand is still facing forwards. Notice how much easier it is than if you had your hands open in the direction you are moving your hands in? Thats because your hands are showing the smallest possible plane facing into the water which means there’s less resistance.

Doesn’t mean it’s easy to do, but it will be easier than a few of the other variations which we will cover in later blog posts. Still a great way to work out your arms and chest.

Enjoy this one!

Ciao for now x

July 1, 2016No Comments

1st of the Month! – All change


Hello all my lovelies

Today is the first day of July and it signals big changes around the world, in the yea and most importantly on this blog.

Speaking to some of you, it seems a lot of you really enjoy these blog posts but we need a bit more consistency and a bit more planning it comes.

From today I'm going to try and post once a day, every day. I'll be talking about lots of different things but the majority of them will be about your health, happiness and fitness. Not only that but I'll be categorising my posts and each day will be themed around a certain topic which are listed below.

Feel free to read them all, read only the days that you find relevant and more importantly try them out. I want to help you all think more about being healthier, being more aware and trying to make any changes, small or big to work towards your happiness and health.

Posts will start regularly from tomorrow so keep an eye out. If you want to help me spread the word, likes, follows, shares would all be much appreciated!!


#StretchSundays - if you like a good stretch, love yoga, have never done yoga but want to try it out in the comfort of your own home or just learn more, this is the day for you! I'll be talking through some of my personal favourites, explaining them and even filming a few demonstrations for you to give a go

#MoveMondays - all my dance moves will be released on Mondays. I'll talk about the benefits of dancing, post some instructional videos and even talk you through a few of them

#TalkToMeTuesdays - I want you to engage, discuss, debate and yes, even disagree. I'll be putting up my opinions on various topics and asking yours

#WellbeingWednesdays OR #WetWednesdays - mid-week will be split and dedicated to two topics, general well-being and getting fitter and enjoying the water. This will be the day we might talk through meditation one week and the week after talk about how to improve your swim stroke

#ThrowbackThursdays - one of my favourites. I've already introduced this into my classes with a throwback tuned introduced on the first Thursday of the month but these posts could be anything. Music, dance, exercise or even old toys! Tying them back into your health

#FeedMeFridays - obviously no week would be complete without some food. These will be my favourite recipes, easy tips on how to stay healthy when out and about or even how to mix up your food prep in ways you might not expect

#SkinliciousSaturdays - completing our week will be our Saturday where we'll be taking a look at what goes on your body. The main focus of this will be  the amazing Tropic products but also we'll start sharing some extra knowledge and getting you to ask questions about your current regime

I hope you like the topics and like what's to come in the near future, I love writing them and sharing my thoughts with you all. If you want to have something specific shown then just drop me a line and I'll do my best to include it!!

Looking forward to what the future brings and remember, life isn't about getting to a destination it's the journey we take to get there.

Ciao for now x

February 28, 2016No Comments

Fitness egos!

Fitness Egos!

Anyone who knows me and talks to me on a regular basis knows that I do a lot of exercise. Probably too much but I listen to my body and if it doesn't feel right I'll skip one of my planned activities. By a lot of exercise I mean I currently try and do 5 yoga classes a week, 1 pilates, 2 dance (learning dance!) classes, 3 one mile swims and teaching my own Dance fitness class twice a week (which you know is intense). That's not including any teaching yoga to kids I might do as well, though to be fair that's not as physically demanding as the rest.

Needless to say, I'm good at some things but I have a lot to learn in everything I do. There are people in all my classes or the pool who are better than me and those that are worse. I don't go to compete with them I go for myself. Sometimes I do look at other people's techniques as each of our bodies are unique and so the way someone else does something might help me improve. I use that a lot with my swimming, watching how other people might be smoother in the water or how they pivot their body side to side so I can give it a try and see what impact, if any, it makes on my own swim.

So it drives me crazy when you get to the gym, pool, class or whatever it is your doing and there's the huge screaming ego forcing everyone to focus on them rather than on ourselves. Just a few examples and my pet peeves:

  • Mr 'I am the machine' - ok I understand you have a specific series of things that you want to do and you want to use certain machines for a certain amount of time to achieve that, but please be aware of those around you. No one will come up and ask you if they would like to use a machine that you've been on for over an hour but hey, maybe be considerate and move along. I personally don't do weights, don't like machines but even passing through the weights room or standing outside waiting for a class I can spot someone eyeing up a machine and a guy on there completely oblivious or not caring that anyone wants it. While he spends 15 mins on his phone finding the right song, or posing for the right arm flex. Please be attentive to those around you and move along!
  • The Selfie taker - we get that you're working hard, sweating and want to show the world. Maybe you have abs to die for and feel now is the time to share them but be honest with yourself, you look like a douche. Standing in the middle of the gym, posing in the mirror, making sure it looks just right with the right light so you can post on social media right there and then. Let me be clear, I like a good selfie, I hate a serious one, I always have my tongue out or pulling a funny face. Selfies are fun. They're sharing a moment with people, but do it after you're done. Don't hold up those around you by standing in their way or looking like you'll never move out the way of the mirror while you perfect this selfie. Some of us have hair that takes a long time to tame, I need that mirror space and I'm actually the one feeling self conscious standing next to you while you pout, flex and pose for that shot. Selfies are not good workouts.
  • Ms Yoga 'Pro' - You may be a qualified teacher. You may know the next move in the sequence. Let the teacher tell it. Wait for them to tell us. What's the point in attending a class if you're going to be moving 3 moves ahead of everyone to prove that you can. The teacher then has to focus on moving you through your sequence ahead of the rest of us and when she corrects your posture, take the learning from it. Don't give the teacher a look like she should never have deigned to speak to you. I love yoga as much as the next person and I do a lot of it. I can generally tell what is coming next but the only time I move out of my current position before the teacher tells me is because my legs or arms are shaking like an earthquake has hit that is ridiculously high on the Richter scale. Then the only move I usually do is to get back into my extended childs pose (or crying foetus as I sometimes mentally refer to it) to gather myself before giving it another go. Let's be a class where we move relatively in sync, especially when the teacher tells us.
  • Mr 'I need to be in the fast lane' - this is my absolute biggest issue with people at the pool. I'm a fair swimmer, fast enough when I want to be. When I got in the pool the fast lane had the least people, that's why I got in it and yes I can keep up with everyone else, sometimes the odd overtaking of them but I try to slow down to match the people in the lane I'm in. When you get in the pool, I'm the only person in any lane. There's a slow, a medium and a fast. Why you feel the need to have to be in the fast lane with me is baffling. I mean the lane speeds are dictated by those in the lanes, so if you go in the medium or the slow you're the only one there so what's your issue? It usually means that you go crazy and swim the fastest length you've ever done in your life to prove you are faster than me, get to the other end and need to spend another 5 mins catching your breath, even though it took you 30 seconds to swim the length, before you then repeat. I'm not going to change my speed to accommodate you, it's very simple. I. Will. Change. Lanes. Yes, crazy as it sounds I will continue to swim at my speed, with my current stroke and move to the medium or even, crazy as it sounds to the SLOW lane!!! Then after 15 minutes when you're getting out the pool because you're exhausted and the other lanes are starting to get busy again I'll move back to the empty or quietest lane, whichever that may be. Moral to this story? Read about the Tortoise and the Hare....slow and steady every time!

Anyway, just some pet peeves of mine, told light heartedly. I'm sure you all have dozens more stories so feel free to share them!!

Ciao for now x

ShakeUp are a group of individuals who want to change lives with smiles.

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